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Bridging the Gaps: The United Nations’ Resolution on Rare Disease

Clinical Trial Management

The United Nations’ Resolution on Persons Living with a Rare Disease, adopted on December 16, 2021, marks a significant milestone in global health policy. This first of its kind, the resolution calls for concerted efforts to improve their health, social inclusion, and access to treatments and care.

Often chronic and life-threatening, rare diseases affect a small percentage of the population, but collectively, their impact is felt by over 300 million people worldwide, as well as their families and society at large.

The resolution recognizes the difficulties in diagnosing, treating, and managing these conditions due to their rarity and complexity. It emphasizes the need for enhanced research, improved healthcare infrastructure, and increased awareness among healthcare professionals and the public.

Key Aspects of the Resolution

Recognition of the Challenges: The resolution acknowledges the unique challenges faced by individuals with rare diseases and their families. It highlights the urgent need to address obstacles such as limited access to diagnosis, treatment, and care.

Promotion of Research and Development: The UN calls for advanced research into rare diseases, including the development of new treatments and therapies. This includes encouraging novel clinical trials, which are crucial for understanding and managing rare diseases.

Healthcare and Social Inclusion: The resolution stresses the importance of integrating people with rare diseases into society. It promotes the development of healthcare policies that cater specifically to their needs, ensuring they receive the necessary support and care.

International Collaboration: The resolution urges the need for global cooperation in research, knowledge sharing, and policy development to effectively address the challenges posed by rare diseases.

Awareness and Education: Raising awareness about rare diseases among healthcare professionals and the general public plays a crucial role in early diagnosis and treatment, which can significantly improve outcomes for people affected by rare diseases.

Implications for Clinical Trials and Life Sciences

The UN’s resolution fosters a more focused approach towards rare diseases and advocates for the following:

Targeted Research: Specialized research into rare diseases strengthens clinical trial outcomes and advances the development of newl therapies and treatments.

Collaborative Efforts: Enhanced cooperation between governments, research institutions, and pharmaceutical companies improves the development and accessibility of treatments for rare diseases.

Regulatory Frameworks: Establishing regulatory systems to help support and expedite the approval process for drugs and treatments for rare diseases.

Patient-Centric Approaches: Customizing clinical trials to participants’ specific needs boost engagement and retention, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes for individuals with rare diseases.

The Impact on the Rare Disease Community

The UN’s policy represents a significant step forward in tackling the challenges faced by this vulnerable population. It sets the stage for more inclusive health policies and enhanced global cooperation in the research and treatment of rare diseases, ultimately improving the quality of life for millions affected by these conditions.

Affordability and Efficacy in Rare Disease Clinical Trials

Many rare disease clinical trials struggle with high-cost digital software or outdated legacy platforms with paper trials that do not scale globally. The Alethium eClinical Platform is a robust digital solution designed to connect participants, sponsors, and investigators with pricing that makes sense for small rare disease trials.

Learn how the Alethium can revolutionize your next rare disease clinical trial!

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